Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Effect Of Divorce On Children - 2288 Words
The occurrence on divorce in our society today has left children emotionally and mentally hurt by this. More and more studies have been done on to see if divorce has an effect on children. I personally have had no effect of divorce, but I have had several friends who have been affected. I had little knowledge about how impactful divorce can have an affect on someone until I started doing research on this topic. Divorce is very hard on people who have to deal with this. The articles I have found to do research on all have something new and exciting to bring to the table. Of the ones I have found, I believe they will help me to understand more of the struggles young children have to cope with during such a difficult time. I also found an interesting article about the fathers’ perspectives on divorce. It talked about how they still want to be apart of their children’s lives and how hard it is to keep a strong relationship with their children. I felt like it would be good to include this article into my paper because it will help me to learn from the fathers’ side how they handle the situation. Throughout this paper, I disused the different effects divorce has on children, the various programs and coping strategies for the children, and fathers’ perspectives and mother-child relationships. All of these topics are very important to divorce and the articles from the researchers did a great job of talking about these topics. Effects on Children of Divorced Families â€Å"Much of theShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Divorce On Children And Divorce1460 Words  | 6 Pagestoday’s world, most people accept divorce or separation as a way of life. Parents are unaware or do not understand the damage it can have on their children. However, in some instances, it is better to get out of an abusive relationship because that can be as toxic as divorce. On average, 50% of children who are born with married parents, will experience divorce before the age of 18 (Children and Divorce Baucom, 2010-2017). Along with divorce statistics, 40% of children in America are raised withoutRead MoreDivorce Effect On Children : Divorce1825 Words  | 8 PagesApril, 2016 Divorce Effect on Children Divorce seems to become more and more common nowadays. Divorce can be a simple or complicated process depending if children are involved. This process can have negative and positive effects in a child s life. A divorce is the legal process of a marriage coming apart. A divorce with children involve cost more and takes about eleven months for the marriage to end. The majority of the divorces happening in the United States involve children. Divorce has differentRead MoreThe Effects Of Divorce On Children And Children1255 Words  | 6 Pages The effects of divorce on children Throughout time, people from all over the world have chosen to live together, or â€Å"get married†. Marriage is a beautiful thing, but there are some couples who are unable to maintain their relationship, because they choose divorce as a solution to cope with the problems between husband and wife. Although divorce can be solution to cope with problem between the husband and wife, it still has dangerous effects especially on their children. Children with divorced parentsRead MoreEffect Of Divorce On Children1068 Words  | 5 PagesEffects of Divorce on Children While divorce may reduce strain on a failing marriage, it may cause damaging effects on the children. Often times parents are too concerned on the marriage to notice the effects on children. From the way parents react in front of the children to new marriages all can directly affect the daily lives, and behavior of children. Though, there are ways to mitigate some of the issues that can come with divorce, possibly avoiding some of the effects all together. UnfortunatelyRead MoreDivorce : The Effect On Children1084 Words  | 5 PagesNicole Halterman Professor Tausch CTI 102 D Written Communication 4 October 2014 Divorce: the Effect on Children In today’s society, divorce has become a normal occurrence. Married couples today are getting divorces due to many different reasons; conflicts in the marriage, a loss of romantic feelings, perhaps a spouse is having an affair, or other types of problems. Most divorces have children that are really young and due to their age, they do not have any idea how to deal with this type of situationRead MoreDivorce And Its Effects On Children1296 Words  | 6 Pages50% of all the children born to married parents today, will experience the divorce of their parents’ before they are eighteen years old. Divorce in and of itself doesn’t necessarily harm a child, but the conflict between parents does. A child’s behavior correlates directly with the effects of their parents’ separation. Deep emotional wounds are created before, during, and after divorce and separation. It is rare that you find a child that actually wants their parents to separate, unless the ma rriageRead MoreDivorce And Its Effects On Children1343 Words  | 6 Pagesknow that the divorce rate in the United States hovers around fifty percent, including forty percent under the age of 21. In that fifty percent one of every six adults is likely to go through a divorce twice. Not only does divorce affect the adults involved, but forty percent of children in the United States will experience parental divorce (Portnoy, 2008). Children with divorced parents struggle with negative consequences emotionally, mentally, and academically compared to those children from intactRead MoreDivorce And Its Effect On Children998 Words  | 4 PagesDivorce has become very popular in the United States. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, on average 50% of marriages result in a failed marriage. This percentage has been at it’s all time high. Not many couples have sustained a successful marriage in present days. Divorces have been around for a long time, and unfortunately kids have a lways been affected the most according to their age. As a result of divorce, there are many children that have to go through this situation at a very young ageRead MoreThe Effect Of Divorce On Children847 Words  | 4 Pagesbecome more unmanageable. According to Sirvanli-Ozen, recent studies confirm that the impacts of divorce on children are not restricted to the childhood period but are manifest during adolescence and adulthood as well. Many studies on the subject show that children who have experienced parent divorce have a lower degree of psychological accord and lower socioeconomic status in their adulthood (Amato Keith, 1991b; Biblarz Raftrey, 1993; Ross Mirowsky, 1999; Amato, 1996) and have more problemsRead MoreEffect Of Divorce On Children1207 Words  | 5 Pagesmarriages that end in divorce has been steadily increasing. When a marriage ends children are impacted and it’s not only emotional and devastating the couples but this also has a huge effect on the children of all ages involved. Many parents go thro ugh a divorce disaster with little knowledge of the effects that the children may go through. Some of the most common impacts that divorce has on children include the fact that children tend to start to blame themselves for the divorce, adjusting in areas
Monday, December 16, 2019
If I Won a Million Dollars and Could’nt Speend It on Myself Free Essays
I would help my family members. Some of the money I would donate to charity. The rest of the money would go to helping children. We will write a custom essay sample on If I Won a Million Dollars and Could’nt Speend It on Myself or any similar topic only for you Order Now First I would give to my mom she raised me as a single mother and had a hard time. I would then get banking accounts for my children so they would have money when they became adults. And hopefully they would make good decisions in life, that would give my kids a better opportunity than I had I would just hope they use it well and that’s the first thing I would do. Next I would donate to charity give money to the Ronald McDonald house. I would give money to the battered women’s shelter to help then get back there life because as a kid I lived with my mom as she was being battered. It would be nice to help someone in need and there’s a lot of women in need of help to escape from being battered and abused . Finally I would build an after school facilities for children so they are not on the streets after school it would have sport’s activities, meals, transportation, and support services. It would help to get more kids off the streets , And that’s what I would do, I would help my family, donate money to charity, battered women’s shelter, and build a after school facilities for children. I may not never win a million dollars but that’s what I would do if I ever won but I’m going to keep playing maybe one day I might win. How to cite If I Won a Million Dollars and Could’nt Speend It on Myself, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Accounting for Managers Advanced Computer Technology
Question: Describe about the Accounting for Managers for Advanced Computer Technology. Answer: Problem 1: i) Depicting the faster process that might be used to increase competitive edge of the company: The faster process could only be applied by using advanced computer technology in the engineering and administrative department of the company, In addition, the use of computers has mainly reduced the overall time gap, which mainly occurred by transferring the data from one operations to other. Furthermore, the implementation of advance machines might also help in reducing thy overall time of completion of finished goods and decrease the process time. Davenport (2013) stated that advancement in technology has mainly help companies automated their operations, which in turn has reduced the completion time and cost of production. The reduced process time in engineering might mainly help the company to produce more goods, which in turn could help in increasing the supply and reduce cost of production. Moreover, the implementation of new technology could not only reduce process time but also help companies to reduce the labour costs incurred in their production process. In addition, the use of technological boost in administrative areas could effectively help the company to make adequate investment decisions and calculate the overall costs, which might be incurred in near future (Kieling, Brei and Vieira 2016). ii) Depicting the reasons for implementing improved quality for companies having reduced process time: The company that is able to work faster and reduce its process time mainly loses its focus on quality, which in turn might affect the overall customer satisfaction. In addition, a faster processing company could only focus on time and ignore the quality that is been produced. Schonsleben (2016) stated that customers are mainly focused on quality and ignores products that have low quality, which in turn affects profitability of faster processing companies. In addition, the implementation of increased quality might help faster processing companies to improve their overall product quality, which in turn might help in raise their customer base. In addition, the improved quality with faster process could help the company to raise its production quality and produce goods in faster rate. In this context, Yao et al. (2012) stated that companies that have reduced process time mainly ignore the quality checks, which mainly help in detecting faulty products. On the other hand, Wiles and Watts (2014) criticises that increased inspection conducted in the manufacturing process mainly reduce the ability of the company to reduce their completion time. In addition, companies could effectively reduce its process time by implementing advanced technology, which is not possible in case of improving their quality. iii) Depicting the problems that might be raised from increased speed process: The potential problems that might arise from increased speed of process are depicted as follows. Low quality and no improvement in products: The main problem that the high-speed process has is that it is not able to maintain the quality of the finished products. In addition, the company is not able to implement any kind of changes to their products as demand by the customers. Furthermore, any changes in the product design might mainly reduce the overall speed of the process and hamper completion time of the finished goods (Al-Mansour et al. 2014). Focused on process and not in customers: In addition, the other problems that might be faced by speedy process are that it is more productivity centric and not customer centric. The demands of the co customers are neglected and only reduction in production time is focused. Beesley (2013) cited that companies that are mainly production centric are not able to increase their demand, which in turn reduces their overall profitability. The depiction of these problems might mainly help in understanding the need of quality in the manufacturing process. Moreover, the company could find an equilibrium with production and quality to reduce the cost and maintain the level of demand in the market. Problem 2: i) Commenting on the overall observations of the case: The observation that been conducted by Steve Smith is mainly based on the overall income and the inventory balance of the two branches. However, the observation is mainly one sided as Steve Smith only looks in to the overall net profits that is been generated by both the branch. Moreover, he did not see the overall reduction in inventory that is been achieved by Adelaide, which might be conducted due to the implementation of absorption costing. In addition, the observation does not consider the overall impact of absorption costing, which might be affect operations of the both the branch (Chen, Kok and Tong 2013). ii) Depicting the conflicts that might be created if the company decides the business based on net profits: The company mainly provides bonuses based on net profits generated by the both the branches. However, this method might raise some conflicts as it mainly ignores the additional inventory accumulated and reduced by both the branches. In addition, the company also neglects the fact that implementation of absorption costing could have positively or negatively affected the overall profitability of the company. Moreover, XYZ policy could mainly reduce the efficiency of the managers in reducing the inventory and focus on sales. The negligence of efficiency and management control might mainly reduce the overall employee retention of both the branches. Rex and Outterson (2016) mentioned that bonuses are mainly conducted on basis of profits, employee loyalty and efficiency of the managers in conducting their operations. Moreover, increased conflicts among managers might reduce the overall productivity of the company. Problem 3: i) Depicting the variance significance regarding production cost for the period: The company has both material and labour variance present in its operations, which mainly affects its overall cost. In addition, the material variance is mainly conducted to identify the overall difference between actual cost of direct materials and standard cost of market. Moreover, the company to identify the low or high number of quantities consumed in its activities mainly uses the material variance. In addition, with the help of material variance companies are able to detect the actual cost inputted through their manufacturing process. Moreover, the labour variance is mainly conducted to identify the difference in actual and standard rate used by the company to portray their actual labour cost. Furthermore, the favourable material variance mainly indicates that budgeted material is equal to the actual material used by the company (Hee et al. 2014). In addition, the material variance is favourable, which depicted that the material used by the company is same and does not have to incur any additional material cost. Moreover, the labour variance is negative, which only indicates that the company is not able to depict the actual wage rate, which in turn has mainly increased the overall cost of production. ii) Stating the further information needed by the management for analysing the production cost for the period: In addition, the company could effectively find relative information like adequate material usage and cost of labour from the variance analysis. Furthermore, with the help of variance analysis the company could effectively detect the favourable and unfavourable variance that might improve their overall future budget. Moreover, the company with the help of the production cost analysis are able to detect the adequate amount of material and labour hours that might be used to support their production needs. In addition, the variance analysis could effectively help in depicting the changes in standard rates, which could help in depicting the adequate costs in their accounting books (Memon et al. 2013). Moreover, the analysis of variance and production cost could effectively help the company prepare an effectively budget, which might help in supporting the future activities. Problem 4: i) Calculating the cost per unit for variable cost: Variable expenses Budget A Budget B Direct materials 260,000 360,000 Direct labour 40,000 60,000 Variable overhead 60,000 75,000 Variable selling and administrative expense 60,000 60,000 Total variable expenses 420,000 555,000 Total units sales 20,000 30,000 Variable cost per unit 21 18.5 ii) Depicting the reason for budget A has high cost and low sales forecasts: The lower and middle level management mainly conducts budget A, which is why it mainly focus on the costs incurred by the company. In addition, as budget A is conducted by low level managed it is not able to effectively depict the change in demand for the companys products. Furthermore, as the low level management are not provided with relative information regarding the increase in demand, which in turn resulted in high cost and low sales forecast in the budget (Einsele 2013). In addition, Budget A is mainly cost centric and depicts the adequate cost, which might be needed by the company to continue its operations. iii) Depicting the reasons for budget B has low costs and high sales forecasts: The senior management has mainly conducted the overall Budget B, which is more focused on depicting the increase in demand for the products of the company. This budgeting system mainly focuses on depicting the rise in future demand of products and does not effectively addresses the change in variable and fixed costs of the company. Moreover, the senior management are mainly keen on detecting the change in demand, which can be effectively seen in Budget B. In addition, the top down budgeting approach mainly help companies to build the required allocation for each department. Moreover, this approach also helps in reducing the wastage of resource allocation that might be conducted in the budgeting process. In addition, the top-level management with adequate research and survey are able to depict the adequate budget requirements and income that could be generated in near future (Le et al. 2014). Moreover, the top down approach mainly reduces the dysfunctional behaviour, which might be conducted by the company. iv) Depicting the ways in which participants could come to a consensus to the budget and depicting the advantage of this approach: Both the group could effectively participate to improve the overall budget of the company. In addition, the expenses part of the budget could be derived from budget A and sales part of the budget could be derived from Budget B. This mixed budget approach might mainly help in reducing the overall variance analysis of the company. The budget could be effectively divided between low level and high level, which in turn might help in supporting operations of the company. With the help of this approach the company could effectively reduce, the excess wastage for essential resources that might be conducted due to unavailability of limited information. In addition, the approach also helps in depicting the adequate money each department could need to continue their operations (Quere et al. 2013). Moreover, the approach could also help in develop a bond between low, medium and higher management of the company. Reference: Al-Mansour, F., Sucic, B., Pusnik, M. and Vuk, T., 2014, January. 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